Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Message from Lori 12/19/2011

Tonight I am giving myself a gift... A few moments to share my feelings. I am grateful that I know my Heavenly Fathers knows me and loves me so much. I am grateful for my understanding of the Great Plan of Happiness and for my Free agency. I am grateful for my elder brother, my Savior, Jesus Christ and for all He has done for me. I am grateful for wonderful children and their supportive spouse...s, the bestest grandkids and supportive,caring sisters, for Gramma Packard and the whole Packard clan, for friends who are like family and for my Ward Family and for all the 1000's of others that I do not know but whose prayers and offering I feel. I am so blessed. Ric is doing better today.. No temp...YEAH!! Heart is repairing itself..little to no damage...kidneys doing better...still some wheezing from the pneumonia but soooo much better( he can get 3-5 words out with a breathe-up from 1)...bone marrow test tomorrow if he has a good night. AML, watch out, because here we come!!


  1. Thanks for creating this blog to help us stay in touch. We're keeping all of you in our prayers. Merry Christmas--jessica Jochim

  2. Praying for all of you tonight. You are so right... the Lord has you always. Praying this battle is swift and you quickly come out the other side. Many prayers headed your way through the Lord.
    Jenn Shaw

  3. Thank You for starting this site. It's much easier to find out what's going on. My prayers are with your entire family. If you need anything please let me know.

  4. Thanks for the updates. Godspeed to you all!!!!!!!
