Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Message from Ric 12/19/2011

This is Amanda. The day after Dad was diagnosed with Leukemia he was havong chest pains and trouble breathing. Mom took him back to the hospital where it was determined that he had pnemonia and an infection in his blood. The next day further tests showed that he had suffered a heart attack as well. He was not doing well over the weekend. Andrew came over from Yakima, Kathy (sister) and John and Dorothy (mom) came up from Longview and me and my family started drin=ving over from Idaho. By Monday he was feeling a bit better and the antibiotics were doing their jobs. Dad posted this update on FB on Monday.

"So here's a little update. I am feeling much better and am still good and sick. The heart attack was caused by infection not blockage, a good thing. No major damage and is already righting itself. Will be well enough to undergo bone marrow biopsy tomorrow. They will also begin preps for major chemo because the white cell count is climbing and climbing fast. Then the regimine will be like 7 days of chemo followed by 30 days of in hospital isolation and monitoring. Could be different, but that is what they have offered so far. The hospitals staff here at Providence are great, but none is greater that my incredible rock of a sweet and loving wife. We just keep picking up up the cart and heading west. All is well. Thank you all again for you faith and prayers. We are so blessed to live in a time when stuff like this can be fixed, even yet if only through our faith on the Lord Jesus Christ to grant that we may be healed.I ran a lot of races in my younger years. I didn't win all of them, but I did finish all of them. Love to all."

He did undergo the bone marrow biopsy on Tuesday with preliminary results given on Wednesday. We're awaiting further results on Thursday at which time we'll update with the results.

Dad's breathing is considerably better and he is able to rest fairly comfortably. He is tired but still cracking jokes. We continue to pray and hope for as positive as possible of a prognosis. We are so grateful for allt he prayers love and support.

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